Are you a blogger?

or an online writer?

WARNING: I am not selling anything here.But I share your problem and I am proposing a solution.

Do you struggle to find readers?

Do you want to spend more time writing?

Instead of advertising your work!


We're on the same page, and have the same problem.

This is me, I'm John.
I'm an ex-Meta/Facebook machine learning engineer and data science manager.

I just wanted you to know that I'm a real person (see LinkedIn below)

I post on my own blog and I run a newsletter too.

But I also struggle to find my audience and get my work read by others.

I've tried getting 'good' at social media to share my work - it takes forever, and doing that takes me away from writing.

I've tried platforms such as Medium and LinkedIn Artciles - but I don't like been behind someone else's paywall, readership is still low AND I want to own that relationship with my readers.

There has to be a better way!

The Solution

I want to build a platform to help writers connect to new audiences.

The premise is this...

You should be able to write on your own blog, publish it on your own site, not worry about advertising it and still be automatically sent new readers.

The new platform should be the search engine of blogs or long form written content.

The idea is similar to how Netflix recommends films to people.The platform will know about your content, it will learn what users read and it will recommend your content to those new audiences.

What makes it different from things like
Medium and LinkedIn Artciles?

The solutions works more like a search engine.

People discover your content on the new platform and sends them to the article on your site.

Your website gets the view, your website displays any adverts you've set up. You own that relationship.


I'm embracing this whole Fail Fast approach to building stuff

And a big part of that is this...

Find an audience first.

YOU - the writers, the bloggers, the long form written content creators are the initial audience

Yes - I can build this without you, but it won't be as good

And I don't want to invest my finite time into an idea if you, the writers are not interested.


The number of people who sign up will determine if I build this or not.

It's all FREE, I don't have any reasons to charge you, and I don't have anything to sell.

I am just trying to measure interest in my idea.

What to expect by registering...

  • I'd like to have a look at your website / blog

  • I'll include your site and content in the initial build of the platform*

  • If I start building it, I'll send you some emails on its progress*

  • I'll invite you to share thoughts, feedback and guidance to help build a platform that you want*

*(opt-out anytime)